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YEAH WORKSHOPS are developed by me

2-2.5 hour formats from different areas of my work, which are wonderfully suitable for getting closer to topics. My knowledge from my work as a yoga teacher and coach flows into the concepts. YEAH COURSES are 8-10 week courses, with 1 appointment per week. It is also a good opportunity to get to know my way of working and to continue working together in targeted individual or group coaching.

The formats are suitable for private individuals and companies alike. One of my focus areas here are topics such as stress management, resilience, body intelligence, neuroplasticity.


Here you can find a brief overview of some of the formats that I have already offered in studios such as the Yogibar. Would you like to offer one of my seminars, are you perhaps interested in a keynote speech for your company or in further information? Send me a message.


Stress? Don't panic!



Stress is the top word of the 21st century, but what exactly is it and when does stress have a negative effect on body and mind?


In this course we deal with the topic of stress on a very practical but also to some extent theoretical and personal level. My goal is to show how an energy-life and work-life balance, mental strength and positive thinking can be achieved through yoga practice and additional techniques. The course will give you specific tools to recognize negative moments of stress in your daily life in order to specifically govern, relax and draw strength. In addition to the yoga practice, I incorporate elements from my work as a health prevention and burnout coach.



The course is just right for you if you want to specifically relieve tension and calm your mind with yoga, want to recognize your moments of stress in good time and are curious about methods that can complement yoga practice and that you can integrate into your everyday life.


10 week course




An adult human has about 12-15 breaths per minute. Relaxed and deep abdominal breathing stimulates the internal organs, improves cell metabolism, blood circulation, digestion, the immune system and has a positive effect on the mental state. Unlike other processes in the body, we can voluntarily influence our breathing! In our fast and hectic everyday life, however, we have often forgotten how to breathe properly.


Our breathing is closely linked to our mental and psychological processes: in a stressful situation we often just gasp for air in a rush, raise our heartbeat and blood pressure, bring the body to half-eight, release stress hormones and negatively influence our autonomic nervous system.


In this workshop we will train breathing awareness, various breathing techniques and will practice a short yoga sequence with an intensive focus on breathing.


The workshop is just right for you if you want to train your breathing awareness and learn breathing techniques for stressful situations, fear, insomnia or fatigue, for example.




Everyday stress? Burnout feeling? Stress at work?


Do you sometimes wonder how high your stress level is, in the healthy or unhealthy range? Or are you perhaps even new that there is even positive and negative stress?

Do you sometimes feel overloaded, burned out or do you want to consciously take preventive measures in good time?


In the theoretical part of the workshop, we will use a questionnaire to do a stress test and look at stress factors in everyday life and at work. The eye for stressors in private and professional life is sharpened.


With a mixture of yoga, breathing techniques and relaxation methods, you will be given tools to move your stress level to a healthy level or to keep it there.


Build your Warrior Spirit!



Forrest Yoga is based on Hatha Yoga and is a modern, very powerful yoga style that was developed by Ana T. Forrest in the USA almost 40 years ago. Due to the special lesson structure, long-held poses and deep breathing, a Forrest Yoga class has an emotional and physical detox, cell-regenerating, energizing and at the same time mentally and physically building strength.


Every person stores experiences, emotions, stress and information in the body in the cell memory in the course of their life. Negative things in particular can lead to physical as well as mental complaints. Continuous Forrest Yoga practice not only builds up muscles, but also helps to recognize and work on mentally inhibitory behavior patterns and behaviors.

The constant muscle work and conscious breathing brings energy and information in the muscle to flow and has a relieving effect on blockages.


Forrest Yoga is ideal for you if you sit a lot, think a lot, feel fear blocks or are exposed to great pressure or are looking for physical fitness, mental and physical flexibility, more quality of life, balance and inner peace for your everyday life.





Would you like to learn more about the energy centers in your body?



In the chakra model, each chakra is related to certain organs, emotions and the psyche. Disturbances and blockages can therefore show up on the physical and psychological level. Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises help to bring the energy spots in your body into balance and to activate energy.


In this workshop we will look at the 7 main chakras and their characteristics on a theoretical level. It then becomes practical with a chakra yoga flow, which we conclude with a chakra sound bath meditation (singing bowl meditation).




A sharing circle is a simple and powerful way of communication: Express: Express yourself, Be Heard: Be noticed and heard, Release: Let go of what should be let go.


Since the beginning of our time, women have come together in powerful circles to support one another, share experience and wisdom, celebrate their femininity and intuition and listen to one another.


What distinguishes these evenings from meeting over a cup of tea?

We seldom have the opportunity to simply express what concerns us, what burdens our heart or what we wish for, without risking judgment or ridicule or being dependent. Not being heard by others in a judgmental and unconditional way creates trust in yourself, encourages you to just say aloud what may otherwise only be spoken in self-dialogue.


The group practices neutral listening and mindful presence. It's about female empowerment, authenticity, compassion, openness, being touched, supporting one another and giving strength.


We start with a short meditation and finish with a mantra.

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